Each editor listed will have a score, percentage, and a link to more information. The following applications are the best free HTML editors for Macintosh, both WYSIWYG and text editors, rated from best to worst.
We have evaluated over 20 free HTML editors for Macintosh against over 40 different criteria relevant to professional web designers and developers.
There are so many good free cross-platform code editors that it’s actually worth having them all installed at the same time: Sublime Text (both 2 and 3), Atom, Visual Studio Code, WebStorm (Community Edition), Eclipse for JavaScript, NetBeans, Brackets, and Aptana Studio.
The 10 Best WYSIWYG HTML Editors Written by Editorial Team on DecemAllowing users and clients to format their text without delving into code has long been on developers’ priority lists, but these days, providing this usability is far easier than it once was.